Franchise Fact: The industry is growing strong with auto-tech jobs set to increase 17% by 2020, increasing the need for tools and tool distributors.

Ride Along

One of the best actions you can take if you are considering owning a Matco Tools franchise opportunity is to go on at least one ride-along with a distributor. By the end of the day, you’ll know if this is the job for you. There is no better way to get a sense of what this business is really like; no matter what your previous experience has been in the automotive business. Your first impression of the truck will be that it is much more than that; not just your truck but also your office and a store filled wall to wall with the best quality tools in the automotive industry.


As you roll along on your first ride along, the Matco business owner may describe your first stop. They’ll usually know everybody at that stop by name and have a good relationship with each of them.

As you approach the shop with your ride along distributor, you’ll notice some people will stop what they’re doing. That’s because being a Matco Distributor is not anything like what you thought “selling” might be. This is because our customers actually appreciate your being there and you’ll see this as many will immediately start walking your way. The arrival of the Matco truck is something people are interested in and even look forward to throughout the week.

On a Matco ride-along, you’ll a very real view of an ordinary hardworking individual’s perspective and insight into the reality of what owning your own business, being your own boss, and owning your own Matco Franchise is truly like.

While you’re pursuing this opportunity, we encourage you to talk to as many Matco business owners as you can to get unparalleled insight into what it’s like being a Matco Distributor.

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